Cardó and Boix - Cardó spa and the Creu de Santos Itinerary
Starting point: the village of Rasquera.Time: 2 hours to and around the spa, around 5 hours if walking to the summit.
Follow the TV-3021 up to the spa (balneari – no longer in use) of Cardó. The road twists and turns through dramatic scenery. On the way up stop where possible and scan the skies and the rocks for Crag Martin, Peregrine, Alpine Swift, Blue Rock Thrush, Rock Thrush, Bonelli's Eagle and Golden Eagle.
Park at the end of the road and from the spa one can follow the camí (path) de Tivenys up to the Creu de Santos path. This leads to the highest point of the massif, the Creu de Santos, at an altitude of 941 m, and offers a magnificent panorama. Search among the wooded areas for Crested Tit, Bonelli's Warbler and Firecrest, while in the more open areas you might find Tawny Pipit, Black-eared Wheatear and Thekla Lark.