The Massifs of Cardo and Boix
Itinerary - The Sierras of Cardó And Boix
Starting point: the TV-3022 at El Perelló
Time: about 3 hours
Follow the TV-3022 to the 7 kilometre marker post, turning left where a sign indicates “Pintures rupestres (4.2km)” and “Camí del Coll de la Mola”. The first few kilometres pass through a relatively flat, cultivated area with olive groves, maquis and some stands of pine. Stop along the way, taking short walks if desired, to see birds such as Hoopoe, Sardinian Warbler, Bee-eater, Black-eared Wheatear, Woodlark, Cirl Bunting, Turtle Dove, Serin, Woodchat Shrike and Crested Lark.
Follow the indications for the “Pintures Rupestres ”. On the slopes look out for Dartford Warblers, and Thekla Larks in the rockier, broken areas. Continue upwards, parking in the designated area.
Continue on foot along the path to the cave paintings and beyond. The general area is good for Black Wheatear, Blue Rock Thrush, Bonelli's and Golden Eagle. If wanting to walk further it is possible to ascend along the GR-192 to the heights of the Serra del Boix , where there are stunning views of the neighbouring massifs and the Mediterranean sea.
If thinking of taking a late evening walk bear in mind that this area is a good one for Red-necked Nightjars.