The Ebro Delta South
Itinerary - 3/3
From here go to Sant Jaume d'Enveja and turn right for the Illa de Buda and the Gola de Migjorn. Follow this road past vast extensions of rice paddy and eventually to an observation tower. This offers commanding views over the Illa de Buda with its ricefields, saltings, pools and lagoons and the reedbeds and marshy areas of the Alfacada, as well as the open sea.
This area is one of the best in the whole of the delta for seeing a great diversity of birds in a short space of time. In addition to a large variety of waders, including Wood Sandpiper, Ruff, Spotted Redshank and Black-tailed Godwit there are good numbers of Purple Gallinule, Glossy Ibis, Great White Egret and a variety of ducks. As well as Marsh Harrier and Kingfisher you may also see Black Tern, Savi's Warbler, Spoonbill, Little Bittern, Squacco Heron, and Greylag Goose and Booted Eagle in the winter months.
Finally, make the short drive to the beach for a seawatch, at what is arguably the best spot in the delta for seeing Gannet, Great Skua, Arctic Skua, Razorbill, Balearic and Levantine Shearwaters, sea duck, gulls (including Mediterranean Gull), terns and waders, depending on the time of year.