Sierra de Guara: West Itinerary
Salto de Roldán
Starting point: Huesca city, at the junction with the road to Apiés.
Time: about half a day.
Black and Red Kites can be seen in the fields and over the road between the rubbish dump at Fornillos and the village of Apiés. Between here and Sabayés stop once or twice at suitable spots to look for a variety of passerines which include Woodlark, Subalpine Warbler, Bonelli's Warbler, Firecrest, Short-toed Treecreeper, Tree Sparrow and Cirl Bunting.
Turn right on reaching the edge of Sabayés. It is worth spending some time birding this area between here and the turning for Santa Eulalia as there are a good number of interesting species: Rock Thrush, Dartford Warbler, Tawny Pipit and Ortolan Bunting are just some examples.
After the turning for Santa Eulalia the road narrows as the views expand. Along this final stretch of road look out for Blue Rock Thrush and Black Wheatear. Park in the wide open area at the end of this stretch and listen out for the song of the Orphean Warbler while scanning the skies for Golden Eagle, Lammergeier and the now very rare Bonelli's Eagle.
From the parking area walk to the right of big crag and, as well as taking in the amazing views watch out for Red-billed Chough, Peregrine Falcon, Short-toed Eagle and Egyptian Vulture. Griffon Vultures sail by continuously, some of them below the height of the path. Other birds that can be seen along the way include Rock Bunting, Alpine Swift, Black Redstart and Crag Martin. Follow the path for as far as you feel comfortable, as the final part is not for vertigo sufferers or the clumsy!
Return to Sabayés and turn right at the junction, continuing on past the village. Still within sight of the village there is a barren-looking area where Black-eared Wheatear, Bee-eater, Thekla Lark and Rock Sparrow can be seen. From here continue to reach the junction with the N-330 at Nueno.