Benasque: Ampriu - Gallinero Itinerary
- Starting point: Benasque
- Time: At least half a day.
Head north out of Benasque and shortly turn right onto the road to Cerler. As you pass Cerler and follow the road towards the Ampriu ski lift the landscape becomes more open, where it is possible to see Water Pipit, Whinchat, Northern Wheatear, Black Redstart, Rock Thrush, Ring Ouzel and Red-billed Chough.
Continue on to the car park at the foot of the ski lift. This opens in the summer months, making the ascent to the peak of El Gallinero (2,728m) that much easier. If the ski lift is not operational then follow the direction of the lift up a steep slope, calculating some 2.5 hours from the car park to the peak. As you approach El Gallinero the possibility of seeing high-altitude birds like Alpine Accentor, Alpine Chough, Snowfinch and even Ptarmigan increases. Lammergeier is a frequent visitor to the area.
To add some variety to the itinerary another possibility is to search for forest birds like Crossbill and Black Woodpecker in the pinewoods to the north of Cerler.