Aigüestortes - National Park East Itinerary
Starting point: Espot.
Time: about 5 hours.
Contract one of the official 4-wheel drive taxis to take you up to the Amitges mountain refuge in the morning and to pick you up later just beyond the Estany de Sant Maurici. Allow around 4 to 5 hours for an easy-going downhill walk to the pickup point.
Chamois and Alpine Marmot may be seen on the drive to the refuge, while the high ground around here holds Alpine Chough and Alpine Accentor. Ring Ouzel, Crested Tit, Crossbill and Citril Finch are some of the species that may be encountered in the wooded areas on the way down, while Water Pipit and Rock Thrush inhabit more open areas. The birds of prey that may be seen include Golden Eagle, Peregrine Falcon and Lammergeier. Dippers occur on the river between the national park and Espot.